Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Character rant #1

Okay, I'm back again x) (I don't know about Juliet, though, she'll probably write soon too)

I came up with a new idea today: character rants. I'm having so many Haikyuu feels at the moment so I have to let them out once in a while, especially because I'm the only otaku in my squad and I feel like it's rude and kind of weird to start ranting about something they don't understand. The feels bottle up over time and now I accidentally managed to pop the bottle open. I watched some Kageyama AMVs and almost started crying, they were so touching and very well done <3

(Have a few: ApplauseWires and my fav You are not your skin)

So. I made a recommendation of Haikyuu a while back so I won't explain the whole thing, but I will dig into the backstory of the lil bean I'm going to rant over today.
If you have read the Haikyuu post you probably know about my love for Kageyama. Most of my favourite characters are the type that ''act like they're really charismatic but are actually losers''. Perfect examples are the prince-like idiot Tamaki from OHSHC, the awkward prince Raji from Snow White with the Red Hair and my dear little dork Kageyama from Haikyuu. I love characters that get awkward and blushy even though they seem so confident and strong.

Kageyama might act like the cool skilled setter he is from time to time but is actually as dumb as Hinata. As I've seen someone say on Tumblr,  he's ''actually the most special snowflake ever''. I mean, look at these:

He's such an awkward little thing <33 I can't really express my feelings but I'm sure that someone out there knows what I'm talking about and can relate to all...this. xD But the awkwardness isn't the only thing I love about him.

Those who have watched Haikyuu are familiar with his back story. In middle school he used to be called an ''egocentric king'' because he used to boss around and was pretty selfish. As a result to that, his teammates started to isolate him and he ended up benched. Tsukishima still calls him 'King' just to tease him (which makes the feels run wild T_T). Sad back stories make characters more human and I personally start to love them even more. I've seen tips on how to write realistic and overall good characters and adding some negative personality traits is probably the simplest way of ''humanizing'' them.
Another and a more obvious reason for me loving him are the looks. He's just so pretty <3

I love dark hair and his sharp blue eyes are like a cherry on top. He has the ''ikemen haircut'' as well. And, as I am pretty tall, it makes me extremely happy to know that he's taller than me. My smol baby is actually a tol baby xDD

I think that this could be called a rant :DD I'm not sure if I'm going to write more of these but I guess I have to lay more of my Haikyuu and Hetalia feels in the open more often ;)


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Anime recommendation #6

Ehehe..he. Oops.

But.. I spent the month (mostly the last few days) watching another jewel because I fell into the depths of sports anime ;)

So, here's another recommendation for you: Yowamushi Pedal!
Yowamushi Pedal
Shortly, YP is about an otaku named Sakamichi Onoda who somehow ends up in a biking club. He gets to know the club which consists of awesome characters such as the Haru-Nanase-like Shunsuke Imaizumi and the loud red bean Shoukichi Naruko. I think that the idea of an otaku in a sports club is an interesting concept x3

The first season is mostly about training and getting to know the characters etc, but the Inter High starts already during the first and continues to the second season. It lasts surprisingly long, but - because it's a sports anime - background stories are a must. It makes the characters relatable, lovable and deeper. Perfect charas are boring :P

Yowamushi Pedal does have characters I don't really like, such as Touichirou Izumida, who talks to his abs. (When you get to know him, you'll find out ''who'' are Andy and Frank as well...) But there aren't that many bad characters. I even started to like the almost inhuman Akira Midousuji (I love his name btw) who everyone seemed to hate. That's the power of backstories.

Most of the characters will be introduced during the Inter High. The biggest threat is Hakone Academy which will find its way into the watcher's heart in no time. Other teams don't get that much screen time, though. But it's nice that the whole show isn't just about these two schools.

I kind of started to like the not-so-likable challenger Kyoto Fushimi. (Sadly, Midousuji takes all the screentime T_T) Surprisingly, his ''servant'' Koutarou Ishigaki was actually one of my favourite characters in the entire show x3
Ishigaki <3
Midousuji is pretty creepy (but still entertaining)
But, enough with the characters. The whole thing was really thrilling and I ended up marathoning from like episode 12 of season to the end of season 2 in a moment. I watched eps 9-21 just yesterday. Does that say something about the cliffhangers? I just couldn't stop T_T

Also, I loved the soundtracks and voice actors <3 Here's a small tip for the watchers: If something terrible happens but the soundtrack doesn't change, everything is gonna be alright in a sec ;) The seiyuus did a great job and gave the charas a life x3 (Tetsuya Kakihara as Toudou <3) Ah, there's still something I absolutely need to say: Naruko's Osaka dialect is adorable. Thank you.

So. If you like sports anime, you should check YowaPeda out :3 You won't regret it ;) If you aren't that into dramatized sports, this might not be your cup of tea but I'd recommend everyone to at least check it out :) 
(Also, you don't need to be athletic to enjoy these. I literally bike like 2km a day and that's pretty much it :I)

Yeah. So. Check it out if you want to see something nice that makes you cheer for characters you can't help but love <3

(One more thing: The fanart of YP is amazing. It has the power of the ikemen.)




Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Anime recommendation #5

We haven't written in a while, sorry :/ But now I'm back with another jewel <3

We had an Italy themed day at school yesterday and I had some free time so I ended up drawing. I went by the theme of the day and a lil Romano (South Italy) found his way onto the paper x3 The day triggered my inner Hetalian and I'm back in the fandom of one of my fav animes :3 Here, some info about it for the interested ones:

Yes, Hetalia is about history. No, you don't have to be necessarily interested in it. History is actually one of my worst subjects at school but I love Hetalia <3 It has also helped me with it xD The main idea behind the show is that the countries of the world are portrayed by people, mostly men (really stereotypically though) This is actually one of the reasons I love APH (Axis Powers Hetalia), it has so many awesome characters and I just can't choose a favourite x3

The old studio Deen art with almost purple skin might be a turn off for some watchers but I saw a Tumblr post about it: ''Only the strongest will get to see the 'Beautiful World'!'' or something like that. To put it simply. the first seasons looked like this:
Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
And the latest two like this:
Kuvahaun tulos haulle hetalia new art
The ones who found Hetalia early enough had to go through the ''dark age'' (if it's okay to call it that) to get to see the beautiful artwork of the new seasons. I think I got into it around the time Beautiful World started airing.

Shortly about the characters:
The axis powers are pretty much the main characters: the Italy brothers (North and South aka Veneziano and Romano), Germany and Japan. They are portrayed pretty stereotypically. The brothers are all about pasta and other foods, Germany is extremely strict with training etc and Japan is really modest.

The allied forces (USA, France, UK, China, Russia and Canada) also play a big part in the series. The biggest stereotype is USA, mostly called America, who eats nothing but burgers and fries. France is pretty much a personification of love, England just can't cook, China loves pandas, no one sees Canada (T_T) and Russia is big and mysterious (and kind of scary xD)

There are way too many awesome characters to name, but most fans really like the Nordics who are the winter weirdoes of the anime x) (My babies :3) Icey's such a cute little cinnamon bun <33

So, if you want to watch a comedy with dozens of cute characters, you should check this out x3 It is also really educational if you ask me :D If you don't want to start with the old seasons, the newer ones are just okay to start with because Hetalia doesn't really have an actual plot. It's just random skits about the time of the world wars (most of them are comical, APH doesn't get sad/deep that often) and other times. I really recommend this wonderful piece of anime to everyone ;) At least it'll make history classes way more interesting xDDD


Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Anime recommendation #3,5 & 4

Hiyaaaaaa :)

Yes, I have again finished another anime, but this time I'll recommend something else :P But here, have a short one for the newest anime I watched:
Planetes (=planets or wanderers, it's Ancient Greek) is an anime that was made back in 2004. The art was kind of a turn off, but I enjoyed the show anyway. Basically it's about debris collectors but the plot gets more and more complicated later on and there're also some adorable moments between the main characters. I needed to have some actual romance after the disappointing ones from the winter season, and this was amazing, especially the ending :33 Planetes was pretty dramatic from time to time, but it kind of worked out in the end anyway ^^ I really liked Hachimaki's voice because his seiyuu also voices the younger coach Ukai from Haikyuu <33 But now, let's get into the another one x3

No matter how many times I come back to this, it's always enjoyable. This wonderful piece of art is called Kimi to Boku, which means You and I. It doesn't really have that much romance in it but the cute blushing moments are worth it <3 Kimi to Boku is about a group of high school boys who have known each other since kindergarten. The funny thing is the blonde little guy Chizuru who joins the group. (He's such a cutie :3) Everyone of the 5 has a small romance going on at some point ;)
There is a pretty good amount of characters. Even some family members are introduced which I think is kinda rare. Anyway, these are the main 5:

Chizuru, the blonde ball of pure energy and happiness. He'd be cute enough just as he is, but when he starts to fall for a girl, he tends to blush and gets shy x33 My lil' baby x) Also, he's voiced by Miyo Irino <3
Shun is the ''mom friend''. He's often thought to be a girl, especially in the beginning when he has long hair. He looks pretty cute with the short hair, so why not x3
Yuuki and Yuuta are twins who seem really boring at first but turn out to be pretty amusing. Telling them apart might be hard at first, but their voices and hairstyles are the easiest ways to do it. They like to tease Kaname a lot :3
Kaname. He's pretty much the embodiment of perfection to me. A pretty tall, smart and responsible guy who gets embarrassed easily. Also, he has dark hair and glasses. That's like 100% what I'd want from a guy <3 I love how he always blushes when the others talk about his first love x333

Kimi to Boku is one of the light and soft animes that are meant to be watched when you want or need to relax. Yes, there is some drama between the characters, but it doesn't get dark or too serious. I recommend this jewel to pretty much everyone who doesn't mind some fluff or two seasons :)


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hiya, Juliet here :D

Haven't been writing lately, and I thought I could tell something about my dog.

So, I have a male dog, karelian bear dog and kleinspitz mix. His name is Jeppe an he is 10 years old. He eats nicely, but he have been in a good shape always.

I like his build, he is pretty square and lightweight.
He has nice angles and his lower back is little roundish.

Facts about Jeppe

  • Loves watermelon
  • Has horizontal stripes
  • Follows animal tracks only by my command
  • Does not obey well, but if I ask him to stay in place, I can be pretty sure he won't move
  • Rarely wags his tail, even if he is really happy
  • Hates vacuum cleaner
  • Can pull his head out of collar, but does that only if I ask it to
  • Is very fast
  • Loves snow


Friday, March 25, 2016

Anime recommendation #3

I guess I have way too much time 'cause I can complete animes in a few days :I But whatever, enjoy this recommendation x)

I ran into Osomatsu-san fan art so often on Instagram that I decided to give it a go :P Basically it's about sextuplets who are NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) The anime follows their ''everyday life'', which is far from normal. The show originates from Osomatsu-kun, which is from the 1960s. I haven't watched the original one so I can't really compare them to each other, but the new one is obviously a lot more modern.

The sextuplets are really weird (especially Jyushimatsu), but the whole show pretty is far from normal anyway xD There are some awkward characters like Dayon (his cheeks are huge), Iyami (I have no idea what kind of character he is :I), Dekapan (a random fat guy?) and Chibita, who I actually really liked. His voice was pretty cute even though his seiyuu was a woman.
To introduce the sextuplet the shortly:
Osomatsu is the oldest of them. He doesn't really have anything special that could help with distinguishing him from the others. He kind of acts like the leader, even though he's not the most responsible one.
Karamatsu is a wannabe cool guy :D He wears a leather jacket and sunglasses pretty often. Everyone ignores him, which makes the watchers love him. At least I did :3
Choromatsu is a worrywart. He seems like the most responsible one, but is actually just as stupid as the others. He's also an otaku.
Ichimatsu is my fav of the six :3 Probably because of his seiyuu (Jun Fukuyama ftw <3) He acts like he hates the world but it's probably just his character. He really loves cats.
Jyushimatsu is the crazy one. He can pull of pretty much everything, for example splitting up into bacteria and curing his brothers from a cold. He does have a serious side, too, but doesn't show it that often. (When he does, he makes a huge impact on everyone. *cough* episode 9 *cough*)
Todomatsu is the spoiled youngest brother. He seems like he's all innocent and such, but is actually pretty manipulative. He's a cute character, though. (He's voiced by Haikyuu's Sugawara, aka Miyu Irino)
The alternative egos of the sextuplets. They aren't seen that often, though.
Most of the jokes in Osomatsu-san are really weird, some kind of disgusting and some hilarious. I did laugh out loud while watching. Alone. In my room. x) Even though it's mostly comedy, it has the ability to make the watcher cry. Especially Chibita and Jyushimatsu's cases were really sad T_T

Anyway, I'd recommend Osomatsu-san to anyone who'd like to watch a carefree and random anime, and isn't that strict with the art or so. This isn't everyone's piece of cake, but there are quite a lot of people who enjoyed it. I did, too, even though I was preconceived at first. I ended up really loving it, so you should try, too x)


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Anime recommendation #2


Yesterday I heard about Haikyuu's third season. I was at school so I had to keep myself calm and act at least a little like a normal teenager, but I got really excited. I can't wait for next fall. I'd almost like to say that I want summer to be over, but I won't go that far :D

As you probably already guessed, this recommendation is gonna be about Haikyuu :3 I am not an athletic person, but I still fell in love with it as soon as I started watching it. Our little main character is even smaller (he's such an adorable little bean) at the very beginning as we learn how he got interested in volleyball. His kind of sad and lonely middle school experience makes the watcher love the little baby crow Hinata. The new characters all find a way straight into the watcher's heart (at least in my case xD) as soon as they're introduced.
This is the main character, my baby crow <3
There isn't really a plot, the whole series is just following how Karasuno's volleyball team grows and plays against different opponents (who are really lovable as well (;) It's wonderful to see how each player starts to get better and better as time passes <3 I just started to read the manga and everyone is so different, they're practically infants :D

There isn't a single character that I don't like. They're all so awesome in their own ways. Hinata is like a little ray of sunshine, just like his name says: the 日(hi) in 日向 (hinata) means sun :P He's really quick and can jump so high it could almost be called flying. Hinata gets excited super easily and his energetic personality makes the show really fun to watch.
Kageyama <33
Kags, the grumpy volleyball lover, is such an adorable dork and my favourite character <3 He seems really annoying at first, but he opens up a little later on and is one of the funniest characters in the whole show xD Just watch this little clip xDDD He's like Haru from Free, except he's obsessed with volleyball x)

Another one of my favs is Noya x3 He's the shortest on the team, but fills the gap with his skills. He's an amazing libero and really energetic just like Hinata. And Nobuhiko Okamoto voices him. What more could I ask for? x)

Awesome examples from other teams are Nekoma's little neko Kenma and the tall kitty Lev, Fukurodani's brush-head-owl Bokuto and Aoba Jousai's ladykiller Oikawa (Daisuke Namikawa voices him <33) There are so many others but I love these ones the most x3
  Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
The second season'll end this Saturday, but, as I said earlier, the third season will start in fall. While I'm waiting and crying for more, I'm gonna dive into the manga and be really cocky when the new eps air. Nah, jk I don't like that kind of people either so I don't wanna be one of them xDD

So, if you want to watch a comedy anime with wonderful characters, really exciting volleyball matches and awesome art style, Haikyuu is the one for you ;) And I recommend it even to the ones who don't like sports that much x)

But now I'm gonna go watch something completely new and different: Osomatsu-san xD (Ichimatsu is somehow really relatable and my fav at the moment x3 And I love his seiyuu, Jun Fukuyama <33)


Monday, March 14, 2016

Hiya, Juliet here :)

I've been cubing a lot last days and today I finally broke my record :DDDDD
MoYu AoLong
I am so happy, been close so many times but now I made it!
My new personal best is now 28.955 seconds.
Getting closer to my goal, 20 sec.

My friend, I suppose you won't be reading this, but still, thanks for teaching new algorithms :)

And another cubing-related thing, I may be able to buy Megaminx, 2x2 and 4x4 soon :D
I'll let you know if I order cubes.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Anime recommendation #1

Hiyaa, Zani here x)

I started Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair) a few days ago and I already finished the first season and most of the second one as well :D Now I have to wait for new episodes though :I I was already hooked after the very first episode. Shirayuki seemed like a nice heroine, she's not an airhead or anything like that; she's smart and brave and I actually like her xD (Most heroines nowadays are really annoying)

Just look at him :3
There weren't that many characters so their names are pretty easy to remember. (especially because they're so short :D) Zen is really sweet (and pretteh :3), Obi hit me right in the kokoro (especially with Nobuhiko Okamoto voicing him x3), Raji is an adorable and awkward little thing <3 I also really like Kiki and Mitsuhide (otp #2!) and literally everyone else. To me, likable and well written characters make a good anime, just like Haikyuu and Hetalia. Of course plot is important as well.

Or him xD

To tell about the plot shortly, Shirayuki is an herbalist born with unusual red hair, which makes the prince, Raji, ask her to be his concubine. She refuses, runs away and meets another prince, Zen, and his friends. Later on she starts to work in the neighboring kingdom's royal palace as a court herbalist and gets to know a lot of people, good and bad. The first season focuses mostly on Shirayuki and Zen's relationship and the second one on different events that take place in the palace or even other kingdoms.

The main couple x3 (otp #1!)

I've really enjoyed Akagami no Shirayukihime so far and I really want to recommend it to everyone who's interested in a cute little romantic comedy with lovable characters and wonderful art. I think that AnS could also be a great way to get into anime ;)

I'd also like to hear your opinion on this jewel x)


Thursday, March 10, 2016

My otaku side x)

When people get to know me, they usually learn about my otaku side pretty quickly. I don't consider myself a dweeb, but I really am in love with Japan, not just the culture. I'd love to travel there, meet new people and get to know more about the country. I do know a little Japanese, I'm actually studying it, but it's not the same as using it to communicate with others.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle haruchika
Ao no Kanata
Nijiiro Days

Kuroko no Basuke

Anyway, anime and manga are really important to me nowadays. I've been kinda busy lately so I haven't been able to watch that many episodes, but I have many series I watch when I can. My fav at the moment is Haikyuu's second season <3 I also watch HaruChika, Ao no Kanata and Nijiiro Days. They're new series which are still airing, so I have to wait a week for a new episode.

Akagami no Shirayukihime
I've been watching anime for almost two years now, and completed many series x) My list is steadily growing, the newest one is Akagami no Shirayukihime which I just started watching. (It seems wonderful btw x3) I also watch Kuroko no Basuke every now and then, I haven't been dragged into the fandom yet xD

The biggest anime fandoms I'm in are Hetalia and Haikyuu x3 I've written a few fanfics for APH and I'm planning on writing Haikyuu ones as well. We'll see xD I guess we'll talk about our other fandoms later ^^


Juliet here, good morning :)

I told that I'll tell more about speedcubing later, so here I am.

Speedcubing is my hobby. My good friend taught me to solve 3x3 last summer and I've been cubing since then. I have Pyraminx and 3x3, which is MoYu Along. My personal best solving 3x3 is 29 and half seconds. I am not very fast, but I am learning OLL so I'll be faster.
I can also solve 2x2 and Megaminx.

If there is any speedcubers reading this, let me know in the comments :D


Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Zani's introduction x)

So, hi and welcome to our blog! I'm Zani, a 17-year-old fangirl from the North :) The other writer is Juliet, who just introduced herself. We're both professional fangirls, and these are my main obsessions:

Japan and Japanese
other shows (e.g Miraculous Ladybug)
music (Twenty One Pilots, One Ok Rock etc)
games (mostly watching others play xD)
YouTube (Dan&Phil)

I hope that we'll find some people who can relate to our weirdness at least a little :D

We decided to use Blogger since it's pretty familiar and simple, Tumblr seems like it's a bit too complicated. (I do have a blog in there as well, but I don't really post that often)

Me and Juliet are a bit different as you'll probably see from our posts later on. I think that I'll post drawings, tell about my life or just burst out the feels if I have the need to x) So prepare for that xD

I hope that you'll like our blog :)


Juliet's introduction

Well, I am Juliet and I am 17 now, soon 18.
Here are some of my obsessions:
  • Music (FOB, Twenty One Pilots, Bon Jovi, Scorpions etc.)
  • Speedcubing
  • Instagram
  • J-dramas (haven't seen many but I like them a lot)
    • In Hana Yori Dango, I just love the way Tsukasa walks <3
  • Minecraft
  • Reptiles
  • Nailart
I'd like to call myself nailartist, but I am not very talented. I am also speedcuber,
and I'll tell more about it later. 

I experience life quite weirdly and I am optimistic :D
