Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Anime recommendation #5

We haven't written in a while, sorry :/ But now I'm back with another jewel <3

We had an Italy themed day at school yesterday and I had some free time so I ended up drawing. I went by the theme of the day and a lil Romano (South Italy) found his way onto the paper x3 The day triggered my inner Hetalian and I'm back in the fandom of one of my fav animes :3 Here, some info about it for the interested ones:

Yes, Hetalia is about history. No, you don't have to be necessarily interested in it. History is actually one of my worst subjects at school but I love Hetalia <3 It has also helped me with it xD The main idea behind the show is that the countries of the world are portrayed by people, mostly men (really stereotypically though) This is actually one of the reasons I love APH (Axis Powers Hetalia), it has so many awesome characters and I just can't choose a favourite x3

The old studio Deen art with almost purple skin might be a turn off for some watchers but I saw a Tumblr post about it: ''Only the strongest will get to see the 'Beautiful World'!'' or something like that. To put it simply. the first seasons looked like this:
Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
And the latest two like this:
Kuvahaun tulos haulle hetalia new art
The ones who found Hetalia early enough had to go through the ''dark age'' (if it's okay to call it that) to get to see the beautiful artwork of the new seasons. I think I got into it around the time Beautiful World started airing.

Shortly about the characters:
The axis powers are pretty much the main characters: the Italy brothers (North and South aka Veneziano and Romano), Germany and Japan. They are portrayed pretty stereotypically. The brothers are all about pasta and other foods, Germany is extremely strict with training etc and Japan is really modest.

The allied forces (USA, France, UK, China, Russia and Canada) also play a big part in the series. The biggest stereotype is USA, mostly called America, who eats nothing but burgers and fries. France is pretty much a personification of love, England just can't cook, China loves pandas, no one sees Canada (T_T) and Russia is big and mysterious (and kind of scary xD)

There are way too many awesome characters to name, but most fans really like the Nordics who are the winter weirdoes of the anime x) (My babies :3) Icey's such a cute little cinnamon bun <33

So, if you want to watch a comedy with dozens of cute characters, you should check this out x3 It is also really educational if you ask me :D If you don't want to start with the old seasons, the newer ones are just okay to start with because Hetalia doesn't really have an actual plot. It's just random skits about the time of the world wars (most of them are comical, APH doesn't get sad/deep that often) and other times. I really recommend this wonderful piece of anime to everyone ;) At least it'll make history classes way more interesting xDDD


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