Friday, March 27, 2020

Guess I should get this out of the way

Hello again, I am here to vent, fangirling is tough.

I went to see the Sonic movie with my brother and, well... I fell back into the fandom of the blue blur.

I've been spending WAY too much time on Sonic related media this month, especially now that we're quarantined and forced to stay at home ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I thought I could just come here, list down all kinds of dumb stuff I ran into, opinions I want to share, things I absolutely fell in love with and, idk, basic fangirl stuff? Hopefully there's someone out there willing to read this, idk how much I'm even gonna write.

Hmm... If I had to say, one of my favourite Sonic related things online is this one YouTube channel called SonicSong182. They have voice actors acting as the characters and they answer to questions asked by the audience. Here's one of my favourite videos:
I really like Gadget here, he's super cute <33

Shadow is really entertaining in this series, he's portrayed as a meme lord but still has the edge to him, of course. He's made me laugh the most xDD

This channel is also the reason I like Infinite now. They found a great voice actor to portray him - he sounds amazing, he has a really deep voice. He was a host in one of the episodes and he was tough, as usual, but also hilarious.

Anyway, I really like voice acting stuff so this channel is a goldmine! They stream often and have the actors join every now and then so you can listen to their normal voices and compare them to the voices they give the characters. Some actors voice/voiced multiple characters and I can't help but admire people who can just switch characters and literally have a conversation with themselves xDD

Hmm.. what should I talk about next..

YouTube recommended an almost 2h long video about Sonic music and, as a nerd, I watched it and wow, it was awesomeeeee. I am a sappy girl and appreciate beauty so much that I get teary eyed about it so this video was like meant for me.. I'm also a deep thinker and hearing the guy appreciate and analyze the music thoroughly I actually felt like I was on the same wavelength with someone for once. Yes, I cried while listening to a video essay about Sonic music, don't @ me. xDDD I also watched his video about Minecraft music and Portal Retrospective which also made me cry. Anyway..

I also tried to read Sonic related fanfics for the first time. I found a few great Character x Reader stories, but idk if they are written by teenagers or why so many of them were too cringy or badly written to read.. I don't want to shame anyone but you know what the Sonic fandom is like.. Oh, I also ended up drawing my own fanfic comic.. idk if I'm bold enough to ship my Sonic oc/sona with the characters but hnnnnn it's fun to mess with the official characters xDD

Here's my oc if anyone's interested, I know I am writing to thin air here buuuuuut this is my venting place so I will do what I want xDD
I am from Finland and love foxes so I think me being an arctic fox is quite fitting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If someone here actually cares about this, I post the comic on my Amino.

Hmm... what else..

Oh! I found some great fanmade games!
Chao Resort Island, a 2d chao garden, which is a lot of fun,
Chao Resort Island - Download
and Sonic Dimensions, which is a fast paced 2d game that kinda feels like the Advance trilogy but controls better. I spent a few days purely speedrunning it, it was amazing!
Sonic Dimensions - Radiant Falls (Sonic) - X Rank - YouTube
I played through the game with Shadow, his aerial movement was easy and super fun to use! Also, the sprites look great, the stages are beautiful, the music is nice.. you should check it out!

Hmmm... other Sonic related YouTubers I watch include... Peter Knetter, who's a real fun lad and does many things,  Garrulous64 who does mod reviews and stuff and Courtney/ProjectSNT who does art \(ˆ⌣ˆ)/ They are all great, check them out tooooooo


I guess some character stuff for last?

My favourite characters tend to be tough and serious, idk why, but yep, same applies here.
Shadow, Espio and Knuckles are tough bois and I love them. Actually... I plan on shipping my oc, Zee, with Espio. Everyone ships everyone with Shadow - he would be a good choice though - and I don't think Zee would like how hotheated Knux is so, Espio it is! The awesome ninja boi whose team is really interesting and makes the comic really fun to draw xDD

Oh, I've been reading the IDW comics and I am nervously waiting what's going to happen with the metal virus arc. Espio is dealing with Zazz and hnnnnn cliff hangersssss I wanna know if and how he's gonna survive the madlad (╯‵Д′)╯
Meh... — Starmyu s3 thoughts  sonic idw comics | Tumblr | Sonic, Silver the hedgehog, Sonic funny
He's so cooooooool I love the style of the comicsssss also Silver is adorableeeeeeeeeee

I might like tough guys but hnnnnnn sweet nerdy dorks are also close to my heart <333

Hmmmmmm I think that's most of it? Of course I shortened a lot of the things I wanted to say so that this text would be somewhat readable but hnnn idk the quarantine is making me crazy and sad I am lonely


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