Monday, December 30, 2019

Don't mind me, I'm just chilling and going crazy over fictional boys \(‾▿‾\)

I know I just posted but I wanna write! I'll probably write a few posts and then forget about this blog for another three years but.. who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wanted to rant about Haikyuu. Yes, again, I love it that much.
I had forgotten about my babies for so long but then THE 4TH SEASON WAS ANNOUNCED AND YES YES I AM READY! I do follow the manga, I have for a long time now, but STILL, NEW ANIME CONTENT!! It's going to start airing on the 10th (or 11th idk time zone stuff?) of January so SOON! THE HYPEEEEEE

Yes. But there's more than just a new season! They're changing the animation style! That might sound scary but they're making the anime look more like the manga which is great!! Fun fact, at first I didn't like the original art style and almost didn't watch the series but now I love it! I will happily take the changes though, and here's a few examples why:
Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
You know this guy? Kuroo is one of my favourite bois but his design makes him look kinda creepy and shady, idk? He's like a tall lanky grandpa xDDDDD I was fine with it, he still looks cool, but look at THIS:
Kuvahaun tulos haulle haikyuu kuroo design comparison
But seriously, he looks so much better now! And indeed, it is pretty similar to the manga style!

Here's some more comparisons:
Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaAiheeseen liittyvä kuva
The sunshine child got a glow up! He's a big crow now! Less fluffy, more manly I guess? Can I call a 15 year old boy manly? Anyway, he looks so much stronger in the new style!

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaKuvahaun tulos haulle haikyuu design comparison
I am kinda torn with Kageyama though. I absolutely love his old design, he's such a grumpy lil blueberry, but the new one is more stoic and serious. I am still excited to see him in action and being the lovable idiot he is though, I'm not complaining <3

Here's something the fans reeeally seemed to like:
Kuvahaun tulos haulle haikyuu design comparisonAiheeseen liittyvä kuva
THEY LOOK SO MUCH STRONGER! I'm not one to gush about muscles but oh boy do I like me some character development, it's not often shown physically!

We've gotten a lot of information about the new season as well. The new characters got some great voice actors (Mamoru Miyano and Natsuki Hanae who are both familiar and awesome), the new openings that I have NOT listened to yet because I want to die when I watch the first episode I guess, and a few trailers to showcase the new art style. There will be some OVAs as well so the main show can concentrate on the practice camp and Karasuno's games! I will want to see Nekoma, Nohebi and Fukurodani's games as well so this girl is definitely gonna watch the OVAs when they come out.

Also, I want to share some spoilers here so if you wanna enjoy the series with fresh eyes, skip to the end, I'll mark the end of the ''dangerous'' part with red as well.

As I said, I follow the manga and BOY DO I HAVE THINGS I WANT TO SHARE!
Yes, there's the nationals and the usual volleyball playing but THERE'S MORE!

I guess it doesn't matter here if Karasuno wins or not, that you have to find out yourselves, but hnnnnn the mangaka went wild! After the nationals he decided to skip a few years forward! And guess what :O
Kuvahaun tulos haulle haikyuu hinata rio

He went to learn beach volley ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Didn't see that one coming :DD

In the recent chapters we've also been given some gifts <3 I love seeing where everyone has ended up, who continued playing volleyball, and if they did, which team they are in and with who, where the characters work or went to school and HNNNN MY BABIES HAVE GROWN UP
(pic broke)
I have to keep this small to not spoil some of the readers (if there are any that is) but I hope you can open it to actually read it. KAGEYAMA IS SUCH A DORK here, he got to do a curry commercial!! Also yes he still plays volleyball and is in a strong team with guess who x) Ushijima!! THE STOIC DUO I never knew I wanted to see xDDDD
(pics broke)
MY CHILDRENNNN ARE GROWING UPPPP they're actually older than me now.. /(´▽`)/

I can't wait for the next chapters!! I have already seen some spoilers on IG, but luckily I can't read Korean xDD I did see enough to SQUEAL though. My hearteu.

Idk what more to say now that that's over. Oh, this is the final arc of the manga so it's going to end soon WHICH MAKES ME SAD I'll miss my kids T_T

I guess it's safe now? I'm sorry if I spoiled something for you T_T

Whew... but Haikyuu is great and I am once again fully into it! I have a fan comic that's been sitting on the shelf so who knows, I might actually start working on it again. It's not a ship comic, it's just me being a nerd and inserting myself into their world to mess with them I guess (–˛ — )

I might write a review recommendation thing about Sket Dance soon since the previous post reminded me about it.. It is one of my favourite anime series and I LOVE IT I LOVE BOSSUN I LOVE TSUBAKI I LOVE SWITCH AND HNNNNNNN IT'S GREAT idk when I will write about it though, maybe immediately after this, maybe in 3 years, who knows xDDDD

I'll do some miscellanious stuff here at the end just because I can I guess..

Kuvahaun tulos haulle sket dance bossun
I love this dude he's great and such a dork <3
Kuvahaun tulos haulle sket dance tsubaki
This guy as well hnnn I like a dork with a serious face <3

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
Also, just because I want to and don't know when I get to talk about this..

A while ago another series by the mangaka of Sket Dance got an anime! I hadn't read the manga before, I actually couldn't find it, but the anime was great! It's called 'Astra Lost in Space' (Kanata no Astra) and it's a scifi anime! I am a space nerd as well so I WAS SOLD IMMEDIATELY!
It's about a group of high schoolers who get stranded in space and have to travel back home and it.was.awesomeeeee go watch ittt

Also, the mangaka probably wants me killed since Kanata here is just like Bossun but even more HNNNNNNNNNNN cute. Fight me.

Anyway, I guess that's all. Writing is fun even if no one comments or reads these. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing! Byeeeeeeee! ƪ(ˆ▽ˆ)ʃ


Anime recommendation #7 also hiyaaaaa I guess?

Um... hello? It's been like three years but I'm still alive! Lazy as usual but still alive! I have been watching anime and geeking around but hnnnn idk why I haven't written anything here. I tend to post most of my stuff on Instagram (my DeviantArt account is pretty much dead too) even though this blog is literally made for me (and Juliet) to geek out. Oh well. This still exists so I might as well write. I might also start writing only in black cuz Juliet probably won't really be writing, idk I'll ask her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aaaanyway, I thought I could write a review kinda thing about Lovely Complex, one of my favourite anime series to this day. I watched it for the first time sometime around 2014 and just finished rewatching it for the... 4th time I think? It was still good, especially because it's been a while since I last watched it. Well, let's get to it I guess? I don't really remember if I had a style I did the reviews with but still, let's go!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle lovely complexLovely Complex is a romcom about two high school students, Koizumi Risa and Otani Atsushi. The ''exciting'' and special thing about this anime is that the female lead is taller than the male lead! Koizumi is 172cm which is pretty tall in Japan, and Otani is only 152cm. I find it kinda sad but kinda hilarious that people constantly call Koizumi huge and actually I'm 10cm taller than her xDD As a tall blonde I might be a sight to see if I ever went to Japan (‾.‾”)

Anyway, these two idiots are labeled as ''All Hanshin-Kyojin'' which to my understanding is a famous Japanese comedy duo. The anime is a comedy so the watcher has to understand Japanese sense of humor which is pretty different from us. I've gotten pretty used to it since I've watched other comedy series such as Sket-Dan (WHICH I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND SHOULD REVIEW NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT) and some of Osomatsu-san to name a few. I know, I'm good at going off tangent. Yes, review, continue.

They start with this comedy duo/enemy kind of relationship but eventually become friends and soon Koizumi starts to develop a lil crush on the lil boi. The series follows Koizumi's efforts ranging from confessing to jealousy, future plans etc so the usual school anime formula. Still, despite having watched pretty many school love stories, I really enjoy this one, it's satisfying to watch and really sweet! I don't want to spoil the entire thing so I guess I'll leave the plot explanation at that?

Kuvahaun tulos haulle lovely complexCharacters. The two dorks have kind of similar personalities and are really fun to watch! They're energetic, enthusiastic and are huge fans of an artist called Umibouzu who does the spiderman hand sign I guess :DD There are other characters as well, such as a love rival, a love rival, a couple, a couple and a love rival ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The basic formula but I'm glad that the series concentrates on these two.

Koizumi is self conscious of her height, which is understandable, and keeps wondering if it's okay for her to like such a tiny guy. Sometimes she blames her personality too, she cries surprisingly much during the series and has a hot temper.

Otani on the other hand doesn't mind his height as much. Of course he's conscious about it but doesn't really dwell on it. He also plays basketball and is actually really good at it despite his height. He's the kind of guy others (Koizumi) can depend on and always comes to rescue when needed.

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaOkay this is getting long but opinions! What do I think of this series after watching it 4 times?
It was still good. I remembered all the important scenes (I DEFINITELY have NOT watched compilations of the cute scenes on YT, don't even ask) but they still had me interested. I've learnt more Japanese since the last time I watched it so I could actually understand what they were saying and even noticed that the subtitles were wrong a few times! :DD I was so proud of myself (˘⌣˘)
Kuvahaun tulos haulle lovely complex

The voice actors did a fantastic job! I don't know where they're from but they talk in Kansai dialect here and I LOVE IT! The super expressive characters need expressive voices and they got them x) Like how do you even voice characters with faces like these?! Respect to the seiyuus, really!

Overall, if you're looking for an anime that's not super frustrating to watch, I really recommend watching this one! The comedy might not be everyone's cup of tea but there's so much more than just that! These two make such a cute duo - and a couple, yes - that I really enjoyed watching this again.

Cute anime, couple with height problems, satisfying ending, moments that makes you SQUEEE and tugs your heartstrings. 10/10 would watch again x)

That's that I guess? I wanna write more, I'm just rambling and these might be really boring but hnnnn let me be a nerd and embarrass myself on the internet \(‾▿‾\)